Summer School “Belarus and Its Neighbours: Regime Survival in the Times of War” has started in Narva

The Summer School Belarus and its Neighbors Regime Survival in Times of the War has started on Sunday, 3 July at the Narva College of the University of Tartu. The school is part of a project “Raising awareness on civil society of Belarus through learning and research activities” supported by the 2020 – 2023 Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid programme of the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The school has attracted the attention of M.A., PhD, advanced B.A. students, as well as young researchers from all over the globe. Overall, 20 applicants representing different countries, such as Poland, Latvia, Netherlands, Italy, China, Finland, Ukraine and many more have been selected for participation.

The range of topics covered during the school ranges from biopolitical authoritarianism in Belarus, scenario planning on alternative futures for Belarus and Eastern Europe to ecclesiastical geopolitics in Ukraine and its implications for the Eastern European region, visual politics of mobilization and many more.

The teaching staff is recruited from universities of Tartu, Vilnius, Ghent and Bratislava. The learning process consists of lectures and interactive classes based on students’ inclusive participation, topical presentations and group-based debate. The summer school will last in Narva until Friday, 8 July.