Schedule of the Sixth Annual Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies is now out

Schedule and detailed programme of the Annual Tartu Conference are now available on the conference website. Topics vary from international relations to domestic politics, sociology, literary studies, history, culture, digitalisation, healthcare, gender studies, covering a wide range of issues and bringing together specialists focusing on Eastern Europe and Eurasia from different disciplinary perspectives.

Overall, more than 200 paper proposals were received, which exceeded the expectations of the organisers, the final decision was made by the programme committee.

The Sixth Annual Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies will take place on 12-14 June 2022 in Tartu, Estonia  as a fully in-person event with limited opportunities for online participation. Organized by the Centre for Eurasian and Russian Studies (CEURUS) at the University of Tartu, this forum brings together scholars from across multiple disciplines, from the region and beyond. Under the subtheme “Which Way is the Future? Progress and Tradition in Eastern Europe and Eurasia“, conference participants are invited to share their thoughts about the meaning of ‘progress(es)’ and ‘tradition(s)’ and their varying configurations in our region as well as globally.

The programme will include academic panels, roundtables focused on current issues, and plenary sessions. Keynote presentations will be delivered by Mark Lipovetsky, Professor of Slavic Languages at Columbia University, and Andrea Pető, Professor at the Department of Gender Studies at Central European University, Vienna, Austria, a Research Affiliate of the CEU Democracy Institute, Budapest, and a Doctor of Science of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.