Public lecture
Dr Mikhail Suslov from the Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies (UCRS) at Uppsala University, Sweden, will give a public lecture entitled
Digitalizing Continentalism:
Russian Geo-political Ideologies in the Age of New Media
on 9 September 2015 from 16.15 to 17.45 at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Education, Lossi 36, room 305.
In his presentation Dr. Suslov will map out the contours of the ongoing research project on geopolitical ideologies in post-Soviet Russia. Bringing together effects of digitalization of the geopolitical culture and genealogies of geopolitical concepts, it aligns the recent surge of the ‘Russian World’ popular imagery with the continentalist tradition.
Dr Mikhail Suslov’s main research focus is on Russian intellectual history, (geo)political imagination, ideological genealogies and cultural history of the Russian Orthodox church. He holds a PhD in history from European University Institute (Florence), and currently works on optaining a Dr.habil. degree at the Russian State University for the Humanities in Moscow. His most recent publications include ‘Crimea is Ours! Russian Popular Geopolitics in the New Media Age’ (2015), Eurasian Geography and Economics, 55 (6).
Fo more information contact the Centre for EU-Russian Studies (CEURUS)