New publications
Press release — 9 October 2013
The Centre for EU-Russia Studies (CEURUS) is glad to announce the publication of two new working papers in our Series EU-Russia Papers.
In September we published a study by CEURUS Visiting Professor Andrey Makarychev about “Regionalism and Identities in the Common Neighborhood” in which Makarychev argues that the key factor determining the EU’s and Russia’s policy tools is their status of either insiders or outsiders in the region-making projects developing in the area of their common neighbourhood.
In October we published a study by Andrey Makarychev and Professor Alexander Sergunin from St. Petersburg State University about “The Russian Presidency in the Council of Baltic Sea States” (CBSS). The paper examines to what extent Moscow has exploited the opportunities of its presidency in the CBSS in 2012 to 2013 to strengthen its role and authority in the region.
Both working papers as well as previous publications from the Series can be downloaded here.