New publication
Press release –– 21 October 2013
Conference results published in a special issue of the journal Religion, State & Society
The journal Religion, State and Society (Taylor&Francis) has published a special issue on “Religion, the Russian Nation and the State: Domestic and International Dimensions” (Volume 41, Issue 3) resulting from selected papers presented at the workshop “Religion, Politics and Policy-making in Russia: Domestic and International Dimensions“ organized by the Centre for EU-Russia Studies (CEURUS) at the University of Tartu in 6-7 June, 2012.
The special issue is edited and introduced by Jerry G. Pankhurst (Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio) and Alar Kilp (University of Tartu). Out of 16 papers presented at the CEURUS workshop, five were eventually published in this special issue. This includes papers from keynote speakers of the workshop, Irina Papkova (Georgetown University) on “The Contemporary Study of Religion, Society and Politics in Russia: A Scholar’s Reflections” and Vyacheslav Karpov (Western Michigan University) on “The Social Dynamics of Russia’s Desecularisation: a Comparative and Theoretical Perspective”; papers by Alicja Curanović (University of Warsaw) on “The Post-Soviet Religious Model: Reflections on Relations between the State and Religious Institutions in the CIS Area”, and Alar Kilp on “Lutheran and Russian Orthodox Church Buildings as Symbols of Cultural Identity in the Estonian Parliamentary Elections of 2011”, as well as a co-authored paper by Rachel Schroeder (Western Michigan University) and Vyacheslav Karpov on “The Crimes and Punishments of the ‘Enemies of the Church’ and the Nature of Russia’s Desecularising Regime.”
For more information, please view the Journal’s website!