Kääriku Winter School “People and Territories”

 Winter school


Biopower and Geopolitics in the Black Sea and the Caucasus

Kääriku, Estonia, 11-17 February 2018

The University of Tartu and the Higher School of Economics, Moscow, invite graduate and post-graduate students to apply for the winter school “People and Territories:  Biopower and Geopolitics in the Black Sea and the Caucasus”. This school is part of the international project “Escapes from Modernity” which has been organizing summer and winter School all across Europe since 2007.


In February 2018, the school will keep exploring different dimensions of power and relate them with domestic and foreign policies of major international actors. This year we shall particularly focus on juxtaposing, comparing and unpacking geopolitical and biopolitical facets of international relations, and discuss them through the territorial lens, on the one hand, and the people-centric prism, on the other. In the geographic sense we shall put a premium on a plethora of policy practices, cultural phenomena and discourses unfolding in a spatially vast and politically turbulent area encompassing the Black Sea and the Caucasian regions.

The learning process consists of lectures and interactive classes based on students’ inclusive participation, including topical presentations and group-based debate. Basic knowledge in social and cultural theories, along with skills in comparative and critical analysis, as well as independent thinking are welcome and strongly encouraged.


  • Right-wing and left-wing populisms: regional implications for geopolitics and biopolitics;
  • The Region of the South Caucasus: Geopolitical Dynamics and Societal Transformations;
  • Sport (mega) events: implications for biopolitics and socio-cultural integration;
  • Methodological workshop: how to study regionalism (includes presentations of international projects and recent publications in the field of biopower and geopolitics);


The venue of the School is Kääriku Leisure and Sports Centre of the University of Tartu,  situated in a beautiful area in Valga County, about 40 km south of Tartu, near the Otepää winter resort. The Centre provides comfortable accommodation, full board, free Internet access and numerous sports and outdoor opportunities, including a gym, indoor basketball and volleyball courts, cross-country skis for rent, and will be able to use 150km of cross country ski tracks, starting right outside the Centre.


Participants are expected to cover their accommodation expenses (twin room accommodation, ca 140 euro) and to arrange their travel to and from Kääriku by themselves. The organizers will cover full board and will offer a bus Tartu- Kääriku and back, as well as provide travel information and issue visa invitations for those requiring a Schengen visa (normally visas are free of charge for students participating in exchange programmes). Centralized transportation will be organized for students coming from Russia (air or train and bus transfer).

The working language is English. Participation is equal to 4 ECTS credits, which will be confirmed by a certificate awarded to each student upon successful completion of the School.

The final programme of the winter school is available here.


M.A. and PhD students interested to learn more about different facets of geo- and biopolitics and partake in discussions are asked to submit their CVs and motivation letters explaining their interest in the topic and its relevance for the applicant’s future career. The deadline for submission is November 15, 2017. Applications should be sent to:

  • Olena Solohub (University of Tartu) – olena.solohub@ut.ee (for Estonian and international students)
  • Igor Tomashov (Higher School of Economics) – escapes@hse.ru (for Russian students)

Forwarded by:
Olena Solohub
Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies
University of Tartu