Dr. Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson
Jón Baldvin Hannibalssonis a former minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade (1988-95) and ambassador of Iceland to the United States and Mexico (1998-2002) and to Finland and the Baltic Countries (2002-2005). He has been also a visiting professor and scholar at the University of Iceland and Vilnius University.
As CEURUS visiting fellow he will teach an intensive MA-level course on “Small States in the International System in Theory and Practice – six case studies” as well as will give a lecture in the framework of Traderun program. His current research focuses on the role of small states and their place in the international system. Today he is an honorary citizen of Vilnius, Lithuania and recipient of highest honours from the presidents of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in recognition of his support for Baltic independence. More information can be found at: Contact: jon.baldvin@simnet.is